Log Home Maintenance: Properly Caring For A Seasonal Hunting Cabin

log homes ulster countyHunting cabins in Ulster County are not used year-round. Therefore, they require extra maintenance to sit empty for extended periods of time. Owners of seasonal log hunting cabins may visit their properties throughout the year and need the cabin ready to receive them and their guests regardless of how long it has been. Lack of maintenance is severely devastating for a seasonal cabin and may require professional restoration when maintenance is ignored for too long.

On average, a cabin will experience significant maintenance costs bi-annually. However, depending on the climate, some cabins may require costlier annual maintenance, especially on the exterior.

log homes ulster countyWhat Is Log Home Maintenance?
Log homes do not use the traditional stud wall and insulation. Therefore, an owner of log hunting cabins in Ulster County will be maintaining the log shell to ensure there are no air leaks, excess moisture absorption, or insect/rodent intrusions. Proper maintenance can keep a log cabin looking as fresh as the day it was installed.

Stains And Sealants
Frequent stain and sealant application preserves the life of the log home. The stain reapplied for annual or bi-annual maintenance must be the same type of stain used during construction. Some hunting cabins may use an oil-based stain, while others have a latex-based. Latex-based stains are often glossier, while an oil-based stain turns knots into a blonder color.

log homes ulster countyCaulking Around The Log Shell
Each year, owners inspect the caulking around the log shell for any signs of gaps or leaks. Bad areas of caulk are removed with a razor. The area is allowed to dry for several hours to ensure all moisture from beneath the caulk is gone. Then, new caulking is put in place.

Caulking is done before the stain application for an even finish.

Window Washing
Dirt and grime build up over time on log cabin windows. Therefore, the interior and exterior of the windows are washed annually to remove the dirt and keep windows clear.

Annual Wash Of Log Exterior
Prior to staining, washing the exterior of the log cabin removes dust, pollen and insect eggs left on the wood’s surface. This allows the stain to adhere properly to the wood’s surface. Washing also helps indicate which areas of caulking have failed over the year and allows the owner to see which areas require stain applications.

log homes ulster countyRegardless if staining is needed or not, washing is done annually to remove debris.

Insect Prevention
All regular maintenance tasks will prevent wood insect infestations. By caulking seals, insects cannot penetrate gaps and enter hunting cabins ulster county.

Also, washing removes nests and eggs. Wood-boring insects are common in the forest, and when they are not removed, they can create structural and aesthetic damage to the cabin. The most common pests log cabins deal with include long-horned beetles, flat-heat wood borers, carpenter ants and bees, powder post beetles, and termites.

Regular annual inspections for signs of rodent and insect infestations is critical for promoting the longevity of a log home.

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